Sunday, August 12, 2007

My buddy....

I met you since Monday night after work and this week we met 4 times!!! Record leh and each time we met, we get closer and closer and closer....shared so much of our experiences, disappoinment, happiness, anger, etc.... Each time we met we cannot stop communicating and when there are time of silence, we laterally enjoyed it and pondered over our thoughts at that point of time. There are times when music 'flow' out and we immersed into it with strong essence. Tears answer to our heart feelings. I am so glad to have you by my side and shared these magical moments. You are one friend I can play full out with and at a higher level despite the steep of the gradient, we know we can go through it even the brick wall!!, not with body but at least our sygnery !

I know that you are facing major challenges now, wondering should you do this or do that, whether is it right or wrong, whether should you let go or stay on. All these I can say is a test to you. I believe strongly in you that you will overcome it, not better but to the core of it. Your existence is already a winning and trust yourself that you already know the answer. You just need 'something' to get you out and soar which I reckon in two months time when you are back, you will TRANSFORM! I look forward to the day where you can smile from your heart again.

I give you my love and blessings and 100% support always. YOU CAN DO MAGIC!!!

Sincere Yours
Love and Hugs....

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