Sunday, August 12, 2007

My Sister - Lynn

Dear Lynn,

One of the greatest gift I have in my entire life is to have you as my dearest sister. I wonder why the creator has put me and you together as one family and the answer is simple - NO ANSWER. We are meant to be together for this life, next life or whereever creator brings us to, we will never ever be apart life after life. I dun mind being Ah Lynn and you Nenni, that will be fun tho. You have grow so much, your feelings, your maturity, your ways of handling emotions and YOURSELF bottomline. I seen you through thick and thin from someone who is 'lonely' to someone who so many people out there love and care for. You have found friends and Yourself more importantly. Its you who makes a difference to so many people that you did not realized it because its unconditional love and support you give. Irespect you for your courage and your loving heart of being you and so dear to me, dad, mum and friends. I am very blessed to have you in my life and I treasure you alot. I want you to know that I am very very proud of you and your existence is a victory to dad, mum and my life. Continue with what you are doing and one day you will find directions to your life purpose. You will soar and fly high like an eagle. I Love You Lynn @>--

Always here for you,
Your Brother

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Dearest bro,

Thank you so much for your passage here. For your unconditional love, I feel it with my heart.

Yea it is by no coincidence we are brought together, and how we complement and support each other. Through thickness and thin, you were with me too, and I'm the blessed one to have you in my life.

Truly, i've learned a lot from you and will continue to do so in my entire life. You are someone whom i've learned from about what's unconditional love.

Lastly, let us soar together and fly like an eagle and make bird's nest for our parents to eat. hahahahaha..